fallout5 event california


Suitable For:
Beginner or first time competitors
Able to run/bike/row pain free
Performs The CrossFit Open® scaled

Bodyweight Requirements:
Jumping Pullups & Hanging Knee Raises
Box Step-Ups & Single Skips
Hand Release Push-ups

Barbell Requirements:
Ground-to-Overhead 95/65
Thruster / Snatch 75/55


Suitable For:
Beginner to experienced competitors
Performs The CrossFit Open® workouts mostly scaled

Bodyweight Requirements:
Single/Low Rep Kipping Pullups & Toes-to-Bar
Box Jumps & Single Skips
Standard Pushups

Barbell Requirements:
Ground-to-Overhead 135/95
Thruster/Snatch 95/65


Suitable For:
Intermediate to experienced competitors
Performs The CrossFit Open® workouts mostly Rx

Bodyweight Requirements:
Cycling Kipping Pullups & Toes-to-Bar
Single/Low Rep Bar Muscle-Ups
Box Jumps & Double Unders
Kipping Handstand Pushups
Rope Climbs

Barbell Requirements:
Squat Clean & Jerk 185/135
Thruster / Snatch 135/95